Monroe Township encourages our residents to do what is right for our environment and recycling is an easy way to reduce your impact on the environment. There are several recycle options available for Monroe Township residents. Information about these programs is provided below.
This is a public volunteer drop off center.
Please rinse containers and discard the lids. Also, crush cans, boxes and plastic containers.
2200 North County Road 25-A
Troy, OH 45373
Telephone: 937-440-3488 during regular business hours
Center Open: Monday through Friday – 6:30am to 6pm Saturday – 7am to 2:30pm
The Miami County Transfer Station will accept passenger vehicle tires, truck tires and farm tires on a regular basis. In addition to the tipping fee, a per-tire fee is assessed. The current fees are $3 per passenger tire, $6 per truck tire and $20 for all farm tires. All tires are separated and placed in a container owned by a contracted provider located outside the Transfer Station at 2200 North County Road 25A, Troy, Ohio.
Most of the trash haulers in Monroe Township offer their customers a curbside recycling option. For information, contact your trash hauler to sign up for this service.