Open Burning Regulations
Monroe Township

Township residents are cautioned to know Ohio's open burning regulations before you light up. If you have questions about open burning you may call the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency at (937) 225-4435 or (800) 458-2115. Or you can Click Here to visit their website.

Before You Light It ...

The Ohio EPA considers you are open burning any time you light an outdoor fire. With a few exceptions, such as barbecues and cookouts, open burning is not permitted in a restricted area - inside any municipal corporation, within a 1,000-foot zone outside any municipal corporation of 1,000 to 10,000 persons, or a one-mile zone outside a municipal corporation of 10,000+ persons. No open burning can take place within 1,000 feet of an inhabited building located off the property where the fire is set.

Some materials may NOT be burned anywhere in the state at any time. These are:

Written permission from the Ohio EPA must be obtained before you begin burning. Open burning permit applications (a two-page form) take about two weeks for approval and can be obtained free from the Monroe Township Trustee's office, from the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency; or by downloading the forms by Clicking Here.